Saturday, November 29, 2008

AHHHHHHHH. The end of the semester. It's hectic. Writing a bunch of papers, final lab reports, have my final exams coming around the corner. So much work left to do for my synth final--I need to write a paper and then be prepared for an oral grilling.

I'm midway through a paper on inducible nitric oxide synthase's role in type 1 diabetes, got a decent chunk of that done, and but have worrisomely little done on my synth paper on the total synthesis of pyranicin. Oh, and there's labwork to be done and so on and so forth...rawr. it'll be tough for the next few weeks.

But in more exciting news:
--there's a good chance that I'm going to Germany this summer to do biological chemistry work on a polyketide biosynthetic pathway.
--I may get to do a not-for-credit hang out in the lab and work on a project type independent study thing with my favorite prof (the one I worked for last summer who does the synthesis of OncoTools, or carboxyllic acids with pH switches to give them a pKa ~6.5 to target the acidic regions of small tumors that can be tagged with radioactive least in concept...we haven't made enough of one to put it into practice, but yeah organic synthesis how I love thee).

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