Thursday, April 16, 2009

Last year of college?

My course schedule for next year (my last year of college, eek) looks tentatively like this:

First semester:
--Analytical chemistry; graduation requirement. Enough said. I don't think anyone enjoys propagating error and if they do they are a freak of nature.
--Imperial Christianity; religion class, gotta get those liberal arts requirements done, plus it's with a badass prof
--Topics in Biochemistry; a mellow seminar that meets once a week for an hour and a half to discuss papers, next year the topic is the role of metals in biochemistry

Second semester:
--Cellular biology; only going to take the lecture portion of this, though. I've had experience culturing cells and doing Westerns. The only thing I feel like I'm really missing is learning how to use the qPCR machine. In any case I don't want to be in cell bio lab when doing a thesis, but I really would like an introduction to the field beyond what I've picked up over the past few years (i.e. run away from the MAP kinase pathway).
--Advanced inorganic chemistry; it's a half-unit lecture only course. I-chem is just starting to pick up for me since we are doing transition metals and you get to go into the really cool stuff in there; it also derives group theory.
--Intro drama; an English class, I feel like I could use some more literature classes in my life

I have enough credits that I could drop either cell or advanced i-chem second semester and still be good to graduate and may very well do that so I can spend more time on my thesis. More importantly, my classes are clumped together well so that I have a lot of time to spend in the lab.

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